The Lord is Good

September 18, 2009 at 1:26 am (Flowers of Thought) (, , , , , , , )


The Lord is good. His lovingkindness is new every morning. His compassions never cease. Those who are His are safe in His hand and He can keep them, regardless of whether I can get through to them on the phone. I can please Him through a heart surrendered to Him, regardless of whether my father is pleased by my floundering attempts. I can come to Him in stark reality, open and unashamed of my helplessness because only He understands it even better than I do. I know that my adversary only spends his time opposing those in whom the Lord is at work, so I trust that the Lord is at work in me. When Satan sifts, there is only one result—purification. Any frustration that drives me to my Savior must invariably mold me more into His image. Any emptiness that man leaves, leaves more room for my Provider to fill. Any wound inflicted to my pride is a beautiful opportunity for the God of grace to heal me of my selfishness and grant me to cloth myself in the garments of His humility.

Lord, when I am sifted slowly
I know that Thou wilt make me holy.
Thou removest dross and dust,
Adversity will teach me trust.

And trust will have its perfect part
In granting me a perfect heart.
A heart that wholly leans on Thee
Will find true joy eternally.

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